Nagra Reference Amplifier monoblock amplifier best HD duo pair

For all of its nearly three quarter of a century existence, Nagra has been, first and foremost, research and development driven.

With decade after decade of groundbreaking innovations, Nagra has set lofty standards in diverse categories of audio devices.

This is nowhere more apparent than in our high-end, high performance audio division.

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Nagra Reference Amplifier monoblock amplifier best HD modulometer vumeter back duo

When introduced, Nagra’s HD line set new technical and sonic standards that reflected years of thoughtful research combined with exhaustive listening tests designed to corroborate the scientific advancements that each HD product brought forth.

Since our founding in 1951, Nagra’s company culture has driven our pursuit of perfection. Combine this with the Swiss tradition of precision engineering and it was inevitable that continuing research and development on the HD line platforms would ultimately result in advances that justify the release of a product line-up which
substantially extends the sonic envelope of the HD line.

The latest products to bear the appellation “Reference” are the Reference PREAMP, Reference DAC and Reference AMP.

Nagra Reference Amplifier monoblock amplifier best HD mono

The Reference AMP finds its roots in the HD AMP. The HD AMP was originally designed about 10 years ago and it is based on several previous technological advances of predecessor Nagra amplifiers.

Designed in parallel with the Ref PREAMP, the Reference AMP is the ideal power amplification partner in a reference level system. The Reference AMP is an iron fist in a velvet glove. Boasting a new power supply 25% larger than the HD AMP, it features many mechanical and electronic improvements.

Hundreds of hours of intensive listening sessions resulting in cumulative sonic advances, allow us to introduce an amplifier pair that illuminates the subtle artistry of a delicate piece of chamber music while also offering the capacity to reproduce the “jump factor” of a large scale orchestral crescendo or the “to the core” sensation generated by the power of the latest piece of electronica.

Nagra Reference Amplifier monoblock amplifier best HD modulometer vumeter

The Reference AMP features:
– New uprated 2000 VA transformers, isolated in an epoxy potting
– New adjustable resonance decoupling feet, featuring phenolic and pure copper
– New input circuit, with super low output impedance to drive the amplifier circuit
– Increased class A range of operation
– New inner line and speaker cables, selected for sonics and sourced from a highly regarded high-end manufacturer
– Internal three-stage mechanical damping to silence deleterious vibrations of key parts
– New WBT Next-Gen speaker posts
– Damping factor controlled outputs, A for deeper bass, B for tight bass to match your speakers / room
– Aesthetic casework changes to match the Ref line design, including hallmark Nagra chamfering
– REF medallion on the front panel as part of the Reference family of products

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Technical specifications



Dimensions:  x  x  mm ( x  x  inches)

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Nagra Reference Amplifier monoblock amplifier best HD duo pair

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